Five Genres

Five Genres

Sunday 18 December 2011

Busier Than Usual

Well, it has only been, what, a week since I posted Episode 13 of The Phoenix Imperative, and now I have three more Episodes for you folks to read.  As usual, choose an appropriate resolution to view them with.

Episode Fourteen: Reporting In
Episode Fifteen: Friendly Dinner Coversation
Episode Sixteen: A New Friendship


  1. Some of my all-time favorite sci-fi-type characters are the artificial life-forms that struggle to understand humans while never realizing that they have emotions of their own. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Cameron evolves.

    Adam looks great; I'm finding it difficult to believe that I created him.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. I seem to gravitate towards the AI types, or the just down right aliens that try to understand what it is to be human. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator in T2 is a good example, as is Summer Glau's character in the Terminator tv series. The three different versions of the AI of the Andromeda Ascendant from the series "Andromeda" is still another example.

    There are various times in my planning of the story where I have used different quotes from those three examples at times when Cameron "evolves". I won't be able to use all of the quotes, as the inclusion of some preclude the use of others. We shall see how things, umm, evolve ;)

    Adam didn't actually turn out the way I wanted him to. I was planning on changing the eyes and loosing the eye patch, but after some thinking, I decided the eye colour work perfectly well for what I wanted and leaving the eye patch sort of hints that any respect Maeva has for him is well earned. Unfortunately, some of the changes I did make didn't seem to take in the esp file, so I had to do some wardrobe changes on the fly.

    Two things I noticed that no one has mentioned so far on the Nexus. One, people seem to have forgotten that Cameron first said "inservio ergo sum" to Bridget. I was expecting someone to say "hey, didn't Cameron say that?" Second, no one asked where the hell Drusilla appeared from. *shugs* Meh, there are still some people I am waiting to hear from.

  3. I can't speak for everyone, but as for me I took the appearance of Drusilla in stride because I assume that we're still in the character introduction phase of the story and might be for some time since the story seems to have a grand scope.

    As for the quote, maybe they just forgot?

  4. To be honest, I was rather reaching with the hope someone would notice the quote. I mean, it has been how many months since I posted the episode with Cameron saying that to Bridget? I can be hopeful at times...

    With regards to Drusilla, I was referring to the fact that when Maeva showed up behind Moriarty's, there was no one else there, then Adam popped up right in front of her, practically giving Maeva heart failure ;) Then, in the second last panel, you can see part of Drusilla's arm and she says Maeva's name. There was no indication of Drusilla being anywhere in the area, and she wasn't wearing a Stealth suit like Adam was. If it was me, I would be asking where the hell the spooky (but hot) chick came from! But, that's just me ;)

    Speaking of having a grand scope, after what I was working out in my head tonight while at work, it looks like I will be adding quite a few more threads to my tangled skein once we end up in Paradise Falls. Your bloody Scouts are everywhere! Sheesh...
