Five Genres

Five Genres

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Still Here

It has been almost two weeks since I last posted, so I thought it best to do so again.

In case you were wondering, no, I haven't given up on the comic, or been ignoring it.  I have encountered a bit of writer's block and a few other problems related to the project, but I am still plugging away at it.  I have been coming up with a few new episode ideas, but I'm having some trouble trying to actually get the ones I have connected.  I am also revising my list of companions to use, as I still haven't heard back from everyone I've sent permission requests out to.  Since I'm not sure about hearing back from Loxy in regards to using Jessi and Kelsey, I think I'll send one off to Blackblossom about her version of Jessi.  I haven't noticed her around the Nexus for a while either, so that might be iffy as well.  Doesn't hurt to try though.

On that note, Odile has converted Ghost into a companion recently, and I have aquired a copy of her.  I should be able to "bug test" Ghost later this weekend and see how she works.  Another producer of FO3 comic strips on the Nexus also has access to the companion version of Ghost, so you might be seeing her elsewhere before you see her in "The Pheonix Imperative".

With having the required part of my move to a new residence completed tomorrow, I will soon have more time to allot to episode outlining and scripting.


  1. Now I have Monty Python repeats playing in my head. Thanks for that :P

  2. You bug tested my girl yet? :O I want a screenshot to print out and hang on my wall.

  3. I've been playing with Ghost, Susurrus, Rain and Silas for a wee bit now (no, not like that...perv), and generally have no issues with Ghost or any of the others, except Susurrus has one minor bug. I think I know why, so I should be able to correct it soon.

    As to wanting a screenshot, odd you should mention that. I'm doing screenshots today of Cameron with the other PCs. I have one with Ghost already, and I'm trying to get one with Rain at the moment. Having a few problems doing so, but that's due to my lack of experience in setting up shots with more than two characters in it.

  4. "Having a few problems doing so, but that's due to my lack of experience in setting up shots with more than two characters in it. "

    Get the Groovatron, if you don't already have it. The 'grab' key is a Godsend for moving NPCs around forcibly; and they won't be able to move once posed.

    Also: NPCs tend to look at you if you're within range, so you can use that to position yourself (out of frame of course) to get them to look at the "camera".

    Also also: speaking to NPCs who refuse to look at you will often remind them you're there (so they will look); and can also be used to get them to face the direction you want before locking them into a pose. For multiple NPCs who need to be looking different directions, I find it useful to get one looking correctly; then pose them to lock it, and then move on to another - since they're bad about not staying put otherwise.

    And you probably already know it, but "TFC" in the console is going to be your best friend (toggles 'free camera'), and "TM" will remove your HUD, cursors, and other menu items for a "clean" screenshot.

    Other than that, patience. NPCs are much like people in that they're oftentimes hard to photograph. I find mine blink at the most inopportune moments; and sometimes refuse to look where I want them to no matter what I do.


  5. Thanks Nos. I have the Groovatron already and have found it to be a big help. I have also started typing "tfik" as my first command to help reduce "actor sinking". Bloody annoying to have someone posed just right, and watch them sink partway into the surface they were standing on. Also, if you want a character to not look around, type in "tlik". That locks the head in place with what the pose uses.

  6. Also good console commands; though I've found the actors' ability to look around is useful in setting up certain shots.

    It's all about the circumstances and exactly what you need, I suppose.

  7. Agreed. So far I've only used "tlik" whilest making up my visual reference library for my pose packs. Mostly because I've only recently discovered that particular command >.<
